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Precious Paws Cat Rescue

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Precious Paws Cat Rescue at a Glance

Watford, Hertfordshire

Precious Paws Cat Rescue knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Our Animal Rescue Service realised that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch Precious Paws Cat Rescue in Watford, Hertfordshire, run by Jacqui Schafer


Policies & Conditions You Need To Meet

The following policies help us find our cats their perfect home where they can live a happy healthy life. 

  •  ID may be requested for proof of age. You must be over the age of 18. 

  •  If you live on a main road or near to any main road or rail track or any other hazards we would stop and fail your adoption process. 

  •  If you live in rented or tied accommodation we must have a letter from the landlord stating you are allowed 1 or 2 or 3 cats/kittens.

  • Please be aware we always pair kittens up an explanation of why is below. 

  • We aim for our adoption process to be complete in 2-3 weeks on average. This will vary depending on how quick the communication is and how busy we are. The vet also has to fit us in before we can complete our side we will not let the cat or kitten go until we have completed our process. 

  • We will ask for your home information and for photos or short videos as the home check process. 

  • On completion of the checks and on passing we will arrange a date with you and an appointment time of when to attend meet/greet/adopt cat(s)/kittens. You will at this meeting if you go ahead be given a pack with information and all other relevant documentation. 

  • You must be able to provide ongoing clinical input when needed. 

  • We ask that you keep your Cat(s) or Kittens in for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. After your cat has completed the vaccination course it does take up to 4 weeks to be fully effective. Some vets say 4-6 weeks some say 1-2 weeks so we go on 4 weeks. 

  • Allow your cat(s) or kittens to also become used to their surrounding and the different smells of home so they will know where to come back too. 

  • If your cat or kittens are not spayed or castrated whilst with us we ask that you send us proof of when and where the neutering was done. We will chase this up. 

  • Cat(s) or Kittens must be allowed to live indoors and at no time be made to live outside permanently. 

  • Adoption reason is for a family pet. 

  • We would not home any of our cats or kittens with a dog that has not ever been used to living cat(s) or kittens unless it is a puppy we may then consider it. We would also need to know what breed of dog it is before making any decision on it. 

  • We hold to right to refuse to go any further with the adoption process at any point in the procedure. 



From December 2023 We Will Be Increasing Our Adoption Fee To £145. Sadly We Have To Do This If We Are To Continue Our Efforts To Help These Cats And Kittens. Due To Cost of Veterinary Care And The Cost Of Food Etc Increasing So Much We Have No Choice.

Note On Neutering 

We as a rescue insist it is completed if it is not done at time of adoption it will be at your expense and we do follow up on it being done. It is part of the terms of the adoption agreement which we reserve the right to remove the cat if it is not completed. 

Included in all Adoptions

  • Microchip

  • Worming Treatment up to date

  • Flea Treatment up to date

  • Complete Health check by our vet

  • 1st vaccination

  • Cats from Precious Paws Cat Rescue come with 5 weeks free pet insurance – whatever their age.

  • Any treatment needed up to the time of adoption.  (Rescuing cats and kittens there are often costly complications involved).

We do insist on our adoption agreement that all cats are neutered.  We do our best to assist with this but sometimes we cannot do it for numerous reasons.  e.g kittens are too young, not a certain weight, funds or vets advice, This expense would be down to adopter if not done by the time of the adoption as is the 2nd vaccination.  

Fleurs Babies
Home: Included


See below ways you can help us.

We need funds to be able to do what we do.  We do appreciate times are extremely tough at the moment but people are abandoning cats or seeking rescue space to re-home their pet (we are having to turn these away currently as are many rescues).  Without the funds we can not fill spaces as they become available.  Our funds are very very low.

White Structure


Mother Nature Knew What She Was Doing When She Created Kittens in Litters!

Kittens need interaction with other kittens for healthy social development

A kitten learns a lot in the first several months of life from their mother and littermates. Separating a kitten from their mother is often a necessity for adoption purposes, but taking it away from their littermates and isolating it can delay the kitten’s development emotionally, socially, and sometimes physically. Kittens who are able to remain with one of their littermates or a similarly-aged companion tend to be healthier and happier, and in the long run, better socialized pets than those who are isolated from others of their kind at an early age.

Even loving, caring, humans are not adequate substitutes for kitten companionship

Even if a person is fortunate enough to be home quite a bit, the amount of attention a lone kitten will demand is likely to occupy more time than the person has available. A pair of kittens will definitely still want to interact with people, but can keep each other occupied. Most cats, regardless of their age, are highly sociable and are truly happier living with other cat companions. This in turn makes them better pets.

Kittens are curious and crave constant stimulation

Out of boredom, a single kitten will often entertain themselves by chewing plants, climbing drapes and furniture, unrolling toilet paper, exploring electrical cords and sockets, etc. Kittens who live with other kittens may sometimes do these things as well, but if they have another kitten to tumble around and play with it is less likely they’ll need to entertain themselves with behaviors like these, which can be destructive and dangerous.

Kittens bite and wrestle with one another–this behavior is normal

You can’t prevent a kitten from doing what comes naturally, any more than you can force a two-year-old toddler to sit still. Though it’s not acceptable for a kitten to bite and wrestle with their human companions, in the absence of having a littermate or companion their own age to play with, this is precisely what a single kitten will want to do. Even if you are willing to allow (and can tolerate) this behavior from your kitten, by the time the kitten matures, you will end up with an adult cat who has developed very bad habits (i.e. biting and scratching as “play”).

Kittens are very active at night

A single kitten is likely to keep people awake at night with constant jumping, pouncing and other “hunting” behavior. With a companion to play with at night, this behavior is minimized because they will have each other to chase and play games with until they too fall asleep.

A single kitten is not a good companion for an older cat

Kittens have boundless energy. They want to play and run constantly which typically overwhelms and irritates an older cat. Likewise, a kitten is apt to be frustrated that their companion doesn’t have their same level of energy. At the very least, this can lead to two very unhappy cats. At worst, behavior problems such as litter box avoidance or destructive scratching can occur as one or both cats act out their frustrations on their surroundings. It’s not likely that the two will have a close, bonded relationship, even after the kitten matures, since their experiences with one another from the beginning of the relationship are likely to be negative. An older cat is better matched with a cat closer to their own age and temperament.

Note: Precious Paws Cat Rescue requires that young kittens be adopted in pairs unless you have an existing kitten or young cat at home. This policy is NOT based on a desire to increase our number of adoptions. Rather this ensures that the kittens we rescue, nurture, and love are adopted into homes that offer the best possible environment for their social development. Most rescue groups have similar policies regarding kittens. 

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Kittens Looking For A Home Now….


If you see a pair of kittens you would like to offer a home too please download, complete and return the forms on the Link/Button at the bottom of this section.  If you have any questions please email us and ask.

Inky & Ender - Reserved

Must Be Homed Together Bonded Pair

Inky - Black Semi Long Haired - Male

Ender - Black Short Haired - Male


Ender and Inky are both very friendly boys who love to play togther.  They enjoy playing with their toys and chasing each other around play fighting.

Ender is very outgoing, he loves attention cuddles, and a gentle tummy tickle when he's sleepy.  He loves to chase his brother Inky and pounce on him when he's not looking. 

Inky on the other hand is a little more shy and reserved.  However he still loves to play and loves a cuddle just like his brother.  Inky likes to be cradled and given some one to one time as his brother likes to be the centre of attention

Both boys are quite adventurous and love to run around.  They both are happy at being picked up and love a lap to curl up on when they have tired themselves out playing hard.

Buttons - Reserved

Must Be Homed On Her Own

Black & White Short Haired - Female


Buttons is a very playful little Kitten.  She loves a tunnel, wands, springs and chasing balls.  Buttons also loves a cardboard box which she plays with toys in.  She has been watching the birds and the world go by whilst sitting on the window sill.

She does not mind having her belly rubbed and is a very gentle girl.

She is a typical kitten who is full of energy, plays and the has a sleep.

She has a great appetite and is not fussy with food.

She will bring joy to any household.

Shimmer & Sparkle - Reserved

Must Be Homed Together Bonded Pair

Shimmer - Black Short Haired - Female

Sparkle - Black Semi Long Haired - Male


Shimmer and Sparkle are very much joined at the hip and must be homed as a pair for definate.  As per our description we do like our kittens to be homed in pairs only.  Reasons why are above at the beginning of the website.

Shimmer loves to purr very loudly and will sit on you where ever she can get laps, chest or shoulders.  Easy going little girl a typical friendly kitten.  

Sparkle loves his scratchy post and to play until he drops for a nap.  It then all begins again when he wakes up.  

Shine & Twinkle - Reserved

Must Be Homed Together Bonded Pair

Shine - Black Short Haired - Female

Twinkle - Black & White Short Haired - Male


Shine is very inquisitive and loves a cuddle when she is not putting Twinkle and Sparkle in their places as they are all in foster together. Shine loves a tummy tickle too

Twinkle isn't one of the litter he was a lone kitten that came to us his background is unknown. He has however fitted into the group perfectly and will interact with all of them.



Available Now & Reserved

Please fill out a Rehoming Form & Data Form and return it to us by email for any of the below Cats/Kittens. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Home: Adult Cats Looking For Homes

If you can offer these kitties a forever home please do email us using the contact button or complete the forms buttons at the top of this section then send them to us by email.  Thank you for taking the time to look at our website and hope we have inspired you for your new furbaby.


We rely on our supporters to be able to continue helping the cats & kittens we do.

We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Precious Paws Cat Rescue. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Animal Rescue Service and help to strengthen our operations.


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Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Home: Get Involved
Home: Contact

Contact Precious Paws Cat Rescue

Jacqui Schafer

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